0 AND t.xparent=0 AND t.xhistory=0 AND t.xshow=0 AND t.id=l.tid AND l.xshow=0 AND l.xl_15_0 NOT IN (2880) AND l.xl_15_0=c.id AND c.xparent=0 AND c.xhistory=0 AND c.xshow=0 AND c.xl_4_1183 IN (3031) AND c.xl_4_39=bg.id AND bg.xhistory=0 AND bg.xshow=0 ORDER BY c.xdate DESC, c.xdateend DESC, c.id DESC '); if ( mysql_num_rows($OUTPUT['q']) > 0 ) { $OUTPUT['s'] = ''; while ( $OUTPUT['r'] = mysql_fetch_assoc($OUTPUT['q']) ) { if ( $OUTPUT['r']['fxdate'] != $OUTPUT['r']['fxdateend'] && $OUTPUT['r']['fxdateend'] != '00.00.00' ) { $OUTPUT['r']['fxdate'] = $OUTPUT['r']['fxdate'].'-'.$OUTPUT['r']['fxdateend']; } if ( $OUTPUT['r']['xl_4_1209'] == 1210 ) { $OUTPUT['r']['rname'] = ''.$OUTPUT['r']['rname'].''; } if ( $OUTPUT['r']['xoldicon'] != '' ) { $OUTPUT['r']['_xfile'] = $OUTPUT['r']['xoldicon']; } else { $OUTPUT['r']['_xfile'] = substr_replace($OUTPUT['r']['xfile'], FM_BASEURL.'_thumbs/', 0, $CONFIG['base_url_len']); } $OUTPUT['r']['_size'] = getimagesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$OUTPUT['r']['_xfile']); $OUTPUT['r']['_size']['_p'] = round((100-$OUTPUT['r']['_size'][1])/2); $OUTPUT['a'][$OUTPUT['r']['xl_15_0']]['n'] = $OUTPUT['r']['rname'].' – '.$OUTPUT['r']['fxdate'].', '.$OUTPUT['r']['bgrname']; $OUTPUT['a'][$OUTPUT['r']['xl_15_0']]['a'] .= '
'; } } mysql_free_result($OUTPUT['q']); $OUTPUT['s'] = ''; foreach( $OUTPUT['a'] as $val ) { $OUTPUT['s'] .= '
'; } print $OUTPUT['s'].''; ?>